Overcoming Laziness

In this video I’ll show you a few actionable things you can do right now to overcome laziness, without it being “airy-fairy”.

If you’re a salesperson or a business owner it’s vital that we don’t fall into the trap of being lazy and we’re able to stay motivated to serve our clients and sell our products or services so we can take care of ourselves, our family, help our community, help our church, or whatever cause we might believe in.

So if we’re trying to overcome laziness it’s another way of saying we’re looking for motivation.


Let’s think about that. Where does the word motivation come from? What word is right smack dab in the beginning of the word motivation? Motive right? What’s a synonym for the word motive? Another way of saying motive would be reason.

So to stay motivated and overcome laziness we need to give ourselves reasons bc when we have a compelling reason to get something done don’t we always find a way to make it happen?

Goal Setting

That’s why goal setting is so important. So the first action item is to write out your goals twice a day. Not just once, twice. First thing when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night.  Research shows that these are the times of the day when our unconscious mind is most open to suggestion.

We have to go beyond just thinking about what we want, we have to write it down.  I believe in the law of attraction – that thinking positive thoughts will bring positive experiences into our lives – but it would be naive to stop there. You can’t just think about something and expect it to happen.  A lot more gets done by movement than by meditation.

A lot more gets done by movement than by meditation.

We’ve got to take action!

The first action step is to take that thought and put it into the real world by writing it down.

Twice a Day

Most of us only write out our goals once a year when we’re hung over on January 1st, but we’ve got to consistently keep our eyes on the prize and keep it fresh in our mind and stay focused on our goals because where focus goes energy flows.

If you’re writing out your goals twice a day and your competition is only doing it once, twice, or MAYBE 12 times a year who do you think has a better chance of hitting their goals?

Be Imperfect

A lot of people don’t like writing out their goals because I think they want them to be perfect, but don’t make them perfect just make them so.

You don’t have to buy a fancy journal and have it be beautiful, just get it done.

Invest in a legal pad and keep it by your bed and write your goals down before you sleep and right after you wake up.

Each time you do it start fresh and don’t look at what you wrote down before. If you really want the goal you’ll remember it and write it down every time. Your goals are going to evolve over time as well. If you don’t find yourself writing it out every time maybe it’s not something you really wanted.

Write in the Present Tense

When you’re writing out your goals remember to always right them out as if you’ve already achieved them.

For example, I now make X amount per year, I now donate 10% of my net income to charity, I now have energy that just keeps on going, I now found the person of my dreams, I now have a black belt in martial arts, and so on.

The reason why we want to write them down in the present tense is because our unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not.  That’s why we feel scared, excited, or sad when we watch a movie. We consciously know it’s fake and we’re watching paid actors, yet we still feel the feelings, right?

When I started doing this I found myself waking up with purpose and energized bc the goals I wrote down the night before were fresh on my mind as I was sleeping and after a good night’s sleep by writing them down again in the morning I would remind myself of my direction. I felt pulled toward my goals and to say that I found myself feeling excited would be an absolute understatement.

Look, I more than tripled my income from one year to the next after I started implementing this. This is serious stuff here!

In a nutshell, to overcome laziness we have to stay motivated. To stay motivated we have to give ourselves reasons and keep those reasons fresh in our minds.

So buy a legal pad and write out your goals twice a day, when you wake up in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.

Write them out in the present tense as if you’ve already achieved them.

Follow these steps and you’ll eliminate laziness, be more energized, be more productive, and feel better about yourself!


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About the Author: Mark Antonio is an international sales and social media marketing strategist with Boss Marketer. Mark is versed in many different industries and has worked as one of the top speaker, trainer, coaches with the Anthony Robbins Companies.  In total, he is fluent in 3 languages and has traveled to over 35 different countries and spoken to over 300 companies and distinguished audiences including Mercedes Benz, American Express Financial, Santander, ArcellorMittal, Citibank, and Berkshire Hathaway to name a few.

2017-06-03T11:24:52-07:00 By |

About the Author:

Mark Antonio is an international sales and social media marketing strategist with Boss Marketer. Mark is versed in many different industries and has worked as one of the top speaker, trainer, coaches with the Anthony Robbins Companies. In total, he is fluent in 3 languages and has traveled to over 35 different countries and spoken to over 300 companies and distinguished audiences including Mercedes Benz, American Express Financial, Santander, ArcellorMittal, Citibank, and Berkshire Hathaway to name a few.